Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival 'Introducing Series'

I had the pleasure of recording, mixing and mastering some live performances for the Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival’s digital programme, which were released last month. A pleasure to work with incredible emerging talent in the Scottish Jazz scene.

Here are a couple of the live sets, the rest can be found online.

Half Formed Things Live from Leith Theatre

In December I had the pleasure of working with Half Formed Things on their latest live video, shot in one of my dearest venues, the legendary Leith Theatre. I handled their live in-ear mixes, playback programming, and tracked the performance.
Edwin Maclachlan handled the post mix & master, in addition to his drumming duties, Sam Jones the lighting design, Sandy Butler the video capture and edit and Lewis Milne on photographs.
TPI did an article on the production


A MAZE Berlin

This week we took a research trip to the a-maze-ing (ha) International Games & Palyful Media Festival situated between Friedrichshain & Kreuzberg at the incredible Urban Spree.
Researching interactive and playful media disciplines and how they can engage the user/audience for the Immerse project with Luci Holland and Absolute Classics.
There were so many fascinating nooks and crannies to explore and a full programme of industry speakers and live music.